The Best Teeth Whitening Strips

Many whitening products use a bleaching chemical like hydrogen peroxide to reduce the chromogens that stain teeth. A rigorous oral care regimen and avoiding bright-colored foods, coffee, red wine, and cigarette smoke can help keep teeth white for months and years.

Whiteners cannot lighten intrinsic stains in the dentin; those require crowns or bonding. However, they can effectively reduce extrinsic stains on the enamel. Contact Boca Dental and Braces today!

  1. Lumineux Teeth Whitening Strips

Whitening strips are a convenient way to get whiter teeth in the comfort of your own home. Most of these products contain whitening agents that target stains on the enamel of your teeth to make them look brighter and more attractive. The best whitening strips are comfortable and won’t damage your teeth or gums. However, some whitening strips have a high concentration of peroxide, which can irritate your mouth and cause pain or sensitivity in some people.

Lumineux’s strips are peroxide-free, reducing the risk of irritation and discomfort. They also contain sage oil, coconut oil, and dead sea salt, which help whiten your teeth’ enamel without damaging it. Lumineux claims their product can lighten your teeth an average of 14 shades in two weeks.

The company recommends using the whitening strips in the morning before you brush and floss your teeth so they can sit on your teeth for a few hours and start working. You should remove them after brushing and flossing and wait 30 minutes before eating or drinking. Lumineux recommends using the strips daily for one week, then once or twice weekly to maintain your results.

You can buy whitening strips from the company’s website or Amazon. The product costs around $30 for a 30-day treatment. The treatment can last longer if you choose to extend the duration of your sessions.

Other whitening strip options include whitening pens and whitening toothpaste. Whitening pens usually have a lower concentration of hydrogen peroxide than whitening strips, and they stay on the teeth for shorter periods. Whitening toothpastes have a much lower concentration of peroxide than gel kits, but they can help whiten teeth not covered by crowns or veneers.

  1. Teeth Whitening Strips with Coconut Oil

These strips are made with organic coconut oil and activated charcoal to help remove deeply embedded stains, detoxifying your teeth. They are a great alternative to whitening kits and safe for sensitive teeth and gums.

Teeth become discolored over time for various reasons, including aging, a poor diet, drinking coffee or tea, smoking, and dry mouth. While it is possible to bleach teeth with a laser at the dentist or a home whitening kit, these can damage the enamel and make it appear whiter but are less healthy for your teeth in the long run.

Coconut oil has a host of amazing health benefits. In addition to being antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial, it also helps reduce bacteria in the mouth that cause cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. Adding coconut oil to your oral care routine can make your teeth look brighter, and it may even slow the aging of tooth enamel.

Apply the strip to your teeth before brushing or drinking. Leave on for 30 minutes and gently remove. Rinse and repeat twice a day for 14 days. Each pack is vegan-friendly and contains 28 whitening strips and 14 individual on-the-go pouches.

  1. Teeth Whitening Strips with Essential Oils

Using natural products for teeth whitening is popular with many people who don’t want to use chemicals. However, these home bleaching treatments are not always easy to use and can be dangerous to your enamel if not done properly. Baking soda is abrasive, and lemon juice is acidic; both can cause enamel wear and are unsafe for teeth with existing dental work like fillings or porcelain veneers. In addition, some home remedies, such as putting coconut oil on your toothbrush, are not a good idea because the high concentrations of essential oils can irritate gums.

Teeth whitening strips are thin plastic strips containing bleaching agents such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. These strips are affixed to your teeth and left on for a specified time, typically 30 minutes. The bleaching agents break down the molecules that cause stains on your teeth, making your smile noticeably brighter. While whitening strips are safe to use and carry the ADA seal of acceptance, they may not be effective on all types of stains and do not whiten dentures or crowns.

Whitening strips are also known to irritate your gums. This side effect is typically mild but can be severe in some cases. The irritation can damage gum tissue and even tooth decay in extreme cases.

When selecting a product, check the ingredients label and customer reviews. Also, consider a dentist’s recommendation to ensure the best results. The best teeth whitening strips are effective, gentle on your gums, and safe for all stains. Ideally, your teeth will be shiny and white but with an attractive balance of color between the crowns and roots.

  1. Teeth Whitening Strips with Aloe Vera

Try these gentle strips for an extra white smile that won’t wreak havoc on your enamel. They’re free of the whitening agents found in most other whitening strips, including hydrogen peroxide, which has been shown to weaken tooth enamel and expose nerve endings (causing teeth sensitivity). Instead, these soft strips are loaded with soothing ingredients like aloe vera and coconut oil, and they use a technology that allows each strip to be individually custom fit to your smile. Beauty Lab testers found them easy to apply, irritated gum tissue and teeth only slightly, and didn’t cause any tooth sensitivity.

The best way to maintain your bright smile is to brush, floss, and use mouthwash daily. Also, avoid foods and drinks that can stain or discolor your teeth. Lastly, visit your dentist for regular cleanings and to maintain your dental health.

Teeth whitening strips are an efficient way to remove surface stains from your smile. However, they are only temporary and do not repair underlying stains. Eventually, your teeth will re-stain due to dietary habits and natural aging.

  1. Teeth Whitening Strips with Vitamin C

Unlike their peroxide counterparts, whitening strips made with natural ingredients (such as charcoal or baking soda) are gentler on teeth and can provide mild to moderate results. These strips work by adsorbing surface stains and discoloration or acting as a mild abrasive to buff away build-up, revealing brighter pearly whites. These whitening strips also tend to have a shorter treatment time than traditional ones, usually only requiring about 30 minutes daily for two weeks.

As with all whitening products, diligence and patience are key when using teeth whitening strips. If you don’t stick with the recommended whitening strip use schedule, cosmetic dentist Dr. Lawrence Fung could end up with gum irritation, sensitivity, or even damage to your enamel if the product is too strong or left on for too long.

If you’re concerned about sensitivity, try using a lower concentration of hydrogen peroxide-based whitening strips or one that includes a sensitivity-reducing ingredient like carbamide peroxide or zinc oxide. And if you’re still experiencing tooth sensitivity, speak with your dentist about other options for whitening.

While there are many teeth whitening treatments, it’s important to remember that the best way to achieve a healthy, bright smile is through good oral hygiene practices at home and routine dental care from your dentist. You can help keep your teeth looking their best by following a healthy diet and maintaining a consistent cleaning routine. And don’t forget to visit Belmont Dental twice a year for a regular checkup and cleaning! We’ll help you maintain your beautiful smile for years to come. Call us today to set up your appointment.